How To send Sms using Server side Swift .
In this example I am going to use as Swift sider Server .
You can use IMB's product or other to achieve this task ,as Swift is now open source language .
If you see Twilio Docs , They only provide server sider SDKs for C#, Java, Ruby, Node.js, Python languages:
And if you send message from Twilio Dashboard You will see Code for cURL , C#, Java, Ruby, Node.js, Python
In this example I am going to use as Swift sider Server .
You can use IMB's product or other to achieve this task ,as Swift is now open source language .
If you see Twilio Docs , They only provide server sider SDKs for C#, Java, Ruby, Node.js, Python languages:
And if you send message from Twilio Dashboard You will see Code for cURL , C#, Java, Ruby, Node.js, Python
At this Time Twilio not provide any library for Swift . so only way to achieve this task is by cURL's commands
Native Command of cURL is
curl -X POST '' \
--data-urlencode 'To=+YourPhoneNumber' \
--data-urlencode 'From=+TwilioProvidePhoneNumber' \
--data-urlencode 'Body= Message sent to Server ' \
-u 'YourLiveSID :YourLiveToken'
To convert native Curl commands to Perfect Wrapper .
swift --version
Apple Swift version 3.0.1 (swiftlang-800.0.58.6 clang-800.0.42.1)
Target: x86_64-apple-macosx10.9
Swift server side code ( using cURL )
let curl = CURL()
let _ = curl.setOption(CURLOPT_URL, s: "")
let _ = curl.setOption(CURLOPT_POST, int: 1)
let _ = curl.setOption(CURLOPT_USERPWD, s: “MyLiveSID33323232:MyLivetoken ")
let fields = ["From":"+56456456”,
"Body":" Message sent from swift Serve"]
let str = { $0.key + "=" + ($0.value.stringByEncodingURL) }
.reduce("") { $0.isEmpty ? $1 : $0 + "&" + $1}
let byteArray = [UInt8](str.utf8)
curl.setOption(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, int: byteArray.count)
curl.setOption(CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, v: UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: byteArray))
let _ = curl.setOption(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, int: 1)
let r = curl.performFully()
Enjoy Server Sider Swift :-)
If this not work Please notify me to update this ...
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